AI Application Development, Fast Focus

AIT02 Fast Focus: Azure OpenAI in the Heart of Your Smart Bot


1:30pm - 1:50pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Veronika Kolesnikova

Microsoft MVP (AI)

Sr. Software Engineer

Liberty Mutual

If you've heard about ChatGPT – one of the most popular artificial intelligence platforms in the world right now, you've heard about OpenAI. Azure is making it more accessible and adding all the benefits of the cloud to it. Let’s figure out what’s hiding behind all the hype.

You will learn about the core components of a chatbot and how Azure supports these components with its AI and machine learning capabilities. The talk will also showcase how Azure OpenAI can be integrated into Azure-powered chatbots to add more advanced capabilities.

In this session we'll talk about general concepts of Azure OpenAI service. Then you'll learn about bot design and development tricks, tools and services to make your bot user appealing. In the end you'll see how to start developing a completely custom bot backed up by Azure OpenAI service.