1. Vote "Yes" for Better Code. It's only fitting that on our Campaign for Code heads to our Nation's capital to debate what's now, new and next in the .NET and developer world.
2. A Trusted Source Since 1993. We take pride in the fact that the Developer Community has come to us for the best in developer-focused education and training for over 20 years.
3. Balance Your Budget. Get 4 days of developer-focused education for a great price! Plus, the earlier you register, the more you save!
4. Shake Some Hands. Developers, engineers, software architects and designers will all be at the conference from around the world -- take advantage of the meals and networking events to get to know your colleagues.
5. The Choice is Clear. Or is it? With over 60 sessions and workshops in a variety of tracks, you're free to choose what sessions you attend and when. You aren't bound to any one session or track! Sometimes it's hard to choose, though, so we provide all conference proceedings and any shared code for all the sessions free to attendees!
6. We are Visual Studio Live! Visual Studio 2015 is an exciting release with new editions with tons of new features, not to mention Microsoft's exciting venture into more open source and cross-platform development. We'll give you the information you need to understand and leverage the power of .NET, Visual Studio, ALM, and VSO today and into the future.
7. All-Day Deep Dives. Check out our all day pre-conference workshops on DevOps, SQL Server 2016 and Cross Platform Application Architecture.
8. We'll Take All Your Questions Now. What separates Visual Studio Live! from other conferences (and internet-based training) is the unparalleled access to the speakers. Get your questions answered in-between sessions, during meals and at fun evening events.
9. Truly Bipartisan Views. We want you to learn about the most recent software and industry updates from every angle. That's why you'll get to hear from both unbiased industry experts and Microsoft insiders at your sessions.
10. Our Platform? Content, and Lots of it. We offer 4 full days of educational sessions on hot topics like .NET, ASP.NET, AngularJS, WebAPI, ALM, Visual Studio 2015, SQL Server, and more!