Delivery and Deployment

VTH15 Dev && UX: How Great UX Improves Engineering's Efficiency and Sanity


1:30pm - 2:45pm

Level: Intermediate

Debbie Levitt



Delta CX

Agile methodologies often lack the details of how UX fits into software dev projects. Some suggest that a Product Manager describing features is enough for developers, UX should train others to do their specialized jobs, or excluding UX experts solves them being "too siloed" and "not collaborative." This happens with no other role in software dev; it's hurting culture, efficiency, and productivity, and creating poor products for customers.

Your customer only sees your UX, not 1000 developers or if you were Agile or Lean. Companies are figuring out that UX specialists and the User-Centered Design process are good investments that more than pay for themselves. Recent highly-publicized UX failures remind us that skimping on the UX process can alienate customers, create negative media attention, and burn millions of dollars.

Learn how the UX process fits into Lean and Agile; augments software dev goals; increases customer satisfaction; and saves time, money, and sanity before developers write a line of code.

You will learn:

  • Correct integration of CX & UX saves time, money, increases efficiency, keeps engineering's changes to a minimum, & creates the best product for users
  • CX & UX specialists conduct research, design the entire product, learn from testing, iterate to fix flaws, & deliver vetted blueprints so engineers build once
  • How User-Centered Design fits into project timelines and development methodologies including Agile and Lean