General Sessions

General Session: Lies Developers Tell Themselves


11:00am - 12:00pm

Level: Everyone

Billy Hollis

Developer. Designer. Speaker. Author.

All humans sometimes deceive themselves, and developers are no exception. From "I can get this done in a week" to "My job is to write code", developers often convince themselves of things that are only partially true - or even outright ridiculous.

These seductive-but-false notions are factors in everything from poor software quality to unnecessary stress on developers and other team members. In this session, developer/designer/architect Billy Hollis will bring out his top ten uncomfortable truths about software development, with some humor to make them easier to hear.

You will learn:

  • See the top uncomfortable truths developers sometimes don't want to face
  • Ways to avoid fooling oneself during software development
  • Have some fun exploring some of the foolish things developers do