Cutting Edge AI

W03 Build a RAG Solution on Azure SQL


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Intermediate

Davide Mauri

Principal Product Manager


How to build Retrieval Augmented Generation solution on data already stored in SQL Server or Azure SQL? In this session you'll learn about existing and future options that you can start to use right tomorrow, leveraging Azure SQL as a vector store and taking advantage of its established performances, security and enterprise readiness! You'll learn everything you need to know to understand why RAG is so hot and how it works behind the scenes and, most importantly, how you can be used on data that you already have to create better solution for your users.

You will learn:

  • RAG Pattern, Embeddings, Vectors, Ranking, etc.
  • How Azure SQL supports Vectors
  • How to create an end-to-end solution for RAG on your data