AI, Data, and Machine Learning

T04 Introduction to Azure Machine Learning Studio


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Introductory

James McCaffrey

Research Software Engineer, Microsoft Research


Azure Machine Learning Studio is a Cloud-based GUI tool that can do both neural machine learning and classical machine learning to create prediction systems. In this informal but informative session, Dr. James McCaffrey from Microsoft Research will explain what Azure ML Studio can (and cannot) do, and present a complete end-to-end demo of the famous Iris Dataset example. You'll leave this presentation with a solid understanding of exactly what Azure ML Studio is, and have all the information you need to begin using Azure ML Studio immediately.

You will learn:

  • Exactly what Azure ML Studio can and cannot do
  • How to create a neural network prediction model using Azure ML Studio
  • Understand the relationship between Azure ML Studio, Cognitive Services, ML.NET