Delivery and Deployment

W08 How do You Measure up? Collect the Right Metrics for the Right Reasons


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Introductory

Angela Dugan

Cloud Solution Architecture Manager


How many times have you been asked to deliver on metrics that did not make sense, that were counterproductive to the team's effectiveness, or that were seemingly impossible to collect? Often times, the metrics being collected are the ones that are easy, but not necessarily the ones that matter.

When it comes to software delivery, lean and agile practices and methodologies have clearly taken the lead. In the spirit of Kaizen, this session will take a look at the measures you can and should collect from agile teams, why these metrics are relevant and interesting, and how you can use them to help your teams continuously improve.

You will learn:

  • Why is it so difficult to identify meaningful metrics in the software world?
  • What are the best types of quality focused metrics to focus on in an agile organization?
  • Examples of good, bad, and ugly metrics, as well as how to analyze and interpret them