AI, Data, and Machine Learning

W03 Modern DevOps for Azure SQL


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Drew Skwiers-Koballa

Senior Program Manager


A good DevOps practice and implementation will help eliminate the unwelcome phrase “but it worked on my computer!” Come to this session to learn how to use tools and platforms like Azure Data Studio, VS Code, GitHub and Azure DevOps for a modern, secure, and easy-to-use database DevOps experience for Azure SQL. We will use demos to show how to implement a project / state-based approach. We will also briefly review other code-centric / migration-based approaches for implementing DevOps, as well as common “good practices” with Azure SQL DB to minimize the impact of deployments on production workloads. You will leave with a solid understanding of the broader landscape as well as specific techniques that you can implement immediately.