In 2022, it's become crystal clear that providing remote access and automation that is secure, easy to access, and readily available are critical to modern teams being successful. DevOps has been called the "second decade of Agile". We've learned much about what it means to be agile and to "do DevOps", and organizations that have thrived in times of uncertainty know that DevOps is the way that modern teams deliver value to their customers with both speed and high quality.
As part of an organizational transformation, DevOps starts with a focus on people and better processes and then, yes, great products are adopted to increase productivity and reduce friction. DevOps is all about the enablement and acceleration of continuous value delivery. After participating in sessions in this track, you'll walk away confident in your knowledge about the why, how, and what of modern DevOps. Our DevOps experts will leverage their knowledge and experiences to expose you to the latest tools, strategies, and leading practices.
You'll find coverage of:
- Hands-On Lab: Secure and Compliant cloud delivery embracing DevOps
- Workshop: Secure, Cloud Applications with Azure and GitHub
- Build .NET Apps More Quickly with GitHub CodeSpaces
- Test-driven development (TDD)
- Infrastructure as Code Bake-off, comparing ARM, Terraform and Bicep Scaling AppSec
- Secure and Compliant Cloud Delivery Embracing DevOps
- Scaling AppSec through Cultural Change and Developer Experience
- Continuous delivery with Azure PaaS Services
- GitHub Security
- Workshop: Modern Data DevOps in the Azure Cloud