DevOps and Beyond, Workshops

VSF02 Workshop: Enterprise DevOps with GitHub


8:00am - 5:00pm

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Mickey Gousset

DevOps Architect


Brian A. Randell

Staff Developer Advocate


In this workshop, Brian and Mickey will show you the current “state of art” when applying DevOps principals and best practices using GitHub.

They’ll start by covering the different flavors and versions related to GitHub’s offerings, both free and paid, self-host, and the cloud. You’ll learn critical aspects of getting your Enterprise configured and running using GitHub, including organizations, adding, users, choosing directory authentication, teams, and more. They’ll drill into how to get most of defining your repo strategy, including public, private, and internal visibility. They’ll cover repo settings around security and branch protection and more. They’ll dig into pull requests, best practices, and how to manage the notification madness for a busy GitHub user.

Beyond the code. they’ll cover GitHub Issues and the new GitHub Projects feature to help you track simple work to larger scale projects. Later, they’ll dig into GitHub Actions for CI/CD and GitHub workflow automation. Finally, they’ll dig into GitHub’s various features around helping you produce better, more secure code with Dependabot, GitHub Secret scanning, and Code QL.

By the end of the workshop, you should be ready to get started using GitHub as a critical component of your DevOps tool chain.

You will learn:

  • About the various GitHub offerings available to you
  • How to effectively use GitHub for better DevOps
  • How to use some of GitHub's more advanced features