App Dev Data

VSW10 DevOps for the SQL Server Database


2:00pm - 3:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Brian A. Randell

Staff Developer Advocate


DevOps is hot, but the database is often the missing link. How do you manage the necessary changes needed to support your applications? How do you track these changes and follow a change from development to test to production? You need an effective database lifecycle management plan.

In this session, you'll learn where the SQL Server database fits in to DevOps, and how you can use tools to extend your infrastructure to make the database a first-class citizen, just like your source code. You'll see how to track changes with version control; create update packages; and deploy to multiple environments with complete automation like development, test, user acceptance training (UAT) and production. You'll bring things under control with database lifecycle management (DLM). You'll learn the process and see examples using the Visual Studio SQL Server Database Tools, Team Foundation Server Team Build, Release Management and custom tools from Redgate.

You will learn:

  • Why you need DevOps for your database
  • How to define a good DLM process
  • How to use Microsoft and Redgate tools to implement the DLM process