
AIW05 Building a Holographic Assistant with Bot Framework, LUIS & Mixed Reality


2:00pm - 3:15pm

Level: Advanced

Nick Landry

Senior Software Engineer


Take your customers' bots beyond Skype, Slack, Microsoft Teams and Facebook and bring them into the real world with Mixed Reality. Why simply type-chat with a bot when you could actually look at them, talk to them and listen to their answers? HoloBot is an open source reusable Windows Mixed Reality Unity project for Microsoft HoloLens that acts as a holographic client for a chatbot. HoloBot has already been used in the pharmaceutical industry at Merck where lab scientists can lookup procedure documents using voice and gestures, and review those documents as holograms visible in their work space. This session is a deep dive into this 3D app that lets users interact with a 3D floating avatar using speech recognition, getting answers spoken back by the "bot" using Text-to-Speech. The commands sent to the bot are powered by the Microsoft Bot Framework via the Direct Line API, and parsed by LUIS from Microsoft Cognitive Services.

You will learn:

  • How to build an interactive avatar in 3D using Mixed Reality, Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech
  • How to build a custom Bot Framework channel using the Direct Line API
  • How to build a speech-enabled conversational bot that is optimized for Mixed Reality integration