BI, Big Data, Data Analytics, and Data Visualization

SQW04 Graph DB Support in SQL Server 2017


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Karen Lopez

Data Evangelist


Graph databases solve a lot of complex relationship problems that relational databases struggle to support. Relational databases are optimized for capturing data and answering transactional data questions. Graph databases are highly optimized for answering questions about data relationships. Do you, as a data professional, understand which data stories need which type of technology?

  • Master Data
  • Networks & Infrastructure
  • Forensics
  • Customer Behaviors
  • Trees and Hierarchies

Join us for this discussion of graph processing and databases, with demonstrations of the new features that allow you to leverage both graph and relational technologies within the same database.

You will learn:

  • Which data stories are the right fit for your relational stores and which are the right fit for graph databases
  • Options for bringing this data together for more intelligent data solutions
  • The basics of how graph data is persisted and queried in the next release of SQL Server